A Values and Ethics
Game Simulation Initiative Collected Research Based Articles and Papers (PDFs)
Ethics and Robot Design Discussion
Millar, J. (2015). Sketching an ethics evaluation tool for robot design. Draft for discussion
at "We
Ethics Assessment: Teaching Students how to Analyze Ethics
Jackson, X., Jasensky, Z., Liang, V., Moore, M. & Rogers, J. (2015). A joint-venture approach in teaching students how to recognize and analyze ethics. Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Ethics Assessment: Principles and Approaches
Nielsen, R., Gurzawska, A. & Brey, P. (2015). Ethical assessment of research and innovation: A comparative analysis of practices
and institutions in the EU and selected other countries. From: Ethical Impact Assessment of Research and Innovation -
SATORI, June 2015.
Gamification Research: Collected Papers
Birk, M., Mandryk, R., Bowey J. & Buttlar, B., et al. (2015). Researching gamification:
Strategies, opportunities, challenges, ethics.
Included Papers:
- The Effects of Adding Premise and Backstory to
Psychological Tasks
- Mobile Gamification for Experiment Data
Collection: Leveraging the Freemium Model
- Design Considerations for Creating Game-Based
Social Experiments
- BudgetWiser: Gamification Design Opportunities
in the Government Budget Domain
- Gamification Ethics: Exploitation and
- BlobSnake: Gamification of Feature Selection for
Human Activity Recognition
- Gamifying Research on Children’s Understanding
of Law in their Lives
- Experiences with a Gamified Online Questionnaire
for Crowdsourcing Human Recycling Capabilities
- It’s Complicated: The ethics of gamified labor
- Score design for meaningful gamification
- Family Support to Improve Physical Activity in
COPD: Game as a Research Tool
- Measuring User Engagement in an Enterprise
Gamified System
- Moving Beyond the Effectiveness of Gamification
Gaming in Nursing Education
Graham, I., & Richardson, E. (2008). Experiential gaming to facilitate cultural awareness: its implication for developing emotional caring in nursing. Learning in Health and Social Care, v7(1) 37–45.
Simulations in Business Ethics Education
Fong, M. (2015). Using technology to support discussions on
sensitive topics in the study of business ethics. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 14, 243-256.
Simulations in Distance Learning: Collected Papers
International Conference on Distance Learning, Simulation and Communication - DLSC 2015 Proceedings. Selected Papers:
- Safe Path Planning Using Cell Decomposition Approximation
- The Cefme Portal ‒ Distance Preparation and Support of the National Administrators
- Possibilities of Educational Processes Simulations in the Virtual Universities Cyberspace
- Ethics and Values Education with the Use of Ict
- Advanced Persistent Threat and Spear Phishing Emails
- Interconnectivity Simulation Tools - Tower Simulator of Air Traffic Controllers
- Java Based Development of Online Experiments
- E-Learning Project ‒ Power Engineering Dictionary
- Distance Learning Using Remote Access
- Blended Learning in Practice
- E-Learning Support for Practical Exercises of Special Measuring Tasks
- E-Learning as Tool of Security Management Preparation
- Computer Modeling and Simulation of Power Mosfet Properties in Interactive E-Learning Course
- Educational Software in Integrated Cognitive Fields
- Use of Simulation in Cooperation Training of Critical Infrastructure Entities
- Professionals Call for Improving Foreign Languages Competence
- Individualized On-Line Education in Stem
- MOOCS ‒ Selected Social and Educational Aspects
Simulations in Employment Law Education
Strevens, C. & Welch, R. (2014). Simulation and the leaning of the law: Constructing and using an online transactional assessment in employment law. University of Portsmouth.
Simulations in Intercultural Studies
Fowler, S., & Pusch, M. (2010).Intercultural simulation games: A review (of the United States and beyond). Simulation & Gaming, v41(1) 94–115
Simulations in Leadership Development
Mallory, L. & Scher, A. (2015) Leadership development: Congressional simulation exercise in the introduction to American Government course. Master Teacher Program, West Point Academy.
Simulations in Leadership Education
Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. (2014). Simulation-based constructivist approach for education leaders. Educational Management
Administration & Leadership, v12(6) 1-17.
Simulations in Management Education: Design Consideration
Charmayne Cullom, C. & Rowley, D. (1996). Design considerations for computer simulation
games in the management discipline. Journal of International Information Management, v6(1) 41-48.
Simulations in Medicine Education
Graur, F. (2014). Virtual Reality in Medicine — Going Beyond the Limits. Chapter 2 in The Thousand Faces of Virtual Reality (from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/the-thousand-faces-of-virtual-reality).
Simulations in Medicine and Telemedicine Education: Collected Papers
Nambudiri, V., Gunderman, R., Freudenberg, N., Yellowlees, P., et al. (2014). Telemedicine’s challenges to the medical profession. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, v16(12), 955-1035.Selected Papers:
- Telemedicine: A Dynamic and Expanding Practice
- Teleradiology: The Importance of Communication
- Telepsychiatry as Part of a Comprehensive Care Plan
- The Tele-ICU
- Telemedicine: Its Opportunities and Challenges
- The George Washington University Emergency Medicine
- Telemedicine and Digital Health Fellowship
- Privacy and Security Concerns in Telehealth
- The Success of Telehealth Care in the Indian Health Service
- Telemedicine Use in International Relief Efforts
- Telemedicine: Innovation Has Outpaced Policy
- Interstate Licensure for Telemedicine: The Time Has Come
- Telemedicine’s Potential Ethical Pitfalls
Simulations in Nursing Care Education
Harmon, C. A. (2015). A mixed methods case study exploring simulation and caring in nursing education. Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University
Simulations in Nursing Education
Tosterud, R. (2015). Simulation used as a
learning approach in
nursing education. Dissertation: Karlstad University.
Simulations in Nursing Education
Wright, W. & Everett, F. (2015). Using
simulation to aid students’ documentation.
Nursing Times, v111(8), 18-19.
Simulations in Nursing and Midwifery Education
Buxton, M., Phillippi, J., & Collins, R. (2014). Simulation: A new approach to teaching ethics. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, v00(0), 1-5.
Simulations in Politics Education
Usherwood, S. (2015). Simulations in Politics: a guide to best practice. Report and Guide from: The Higher Education Academy.
Teaching Professional Ethics: Medicine
Carrese, J., Malek, J., et al. (2015). The Essential Role of Medical Ethics Education
in Achieving Professionalism: The Romanell Report. Academic Medicine, v90(6), 1-9.
Teaching Professional Ethics: Psychology
Boccio, D. (2015). A brief guide to teaching professional ethics in a graduate preparation program. National Association of School Psychologists, Ethics Advisory Bulletin (from: http://www.nasponline.org/standards/ethics/).